Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Quick Blog 5: Pornography

I checked out the website antipornography.org and really liked the message they stated on their first page. They gave the definitions of pornography and erotica, and stated how it is the violent, derogatory images they are so against. They said how erotica is different and carries different messages.  I agree with this, I think that pornography that is violent, sexist, etc. does contribute to the way men see women sexually.  I think that this type of pornography does contribute to problems with sexism and misogyny. When men and women are both brought up viewing types of videos where woman are completely degraded and hurt they may begin to believe that this is how they should act in their own relationships.
             I do not believe that all pornography is wrong, as there can be some that shows reasonable adult relations where both people are consenting and happy. I do believe that pornography should be limited to people who are mature, and limited in a way that there is no more violent, vicious pornography. I'm not sure how people could begin to do this, but I really think people should start to connect the way women are treated in many relationships and how women are treated in much of pornography.


  1. Yes, the distinction between erotica and pornography continues to be useful to parse out violent degrading images from representations of sexuality that are based in mutuality, dignity and respect. However, our free speech laws almost always side with the pornographers. They have pushed the envelope further and further and the industry as a whole has no ethics whatsoever.

  2. Oh, I had forgotten about all the issues laws limiting pornography would have with free speech. I wonder how we could get around that to get rid of violence in these videos and images.
