Thursday, January 20, 2011

Post Fourteen: Activism

I think that a good activist is someone who stands up for what they believe in, no matter the opposition they face. I feel like attributes for a positive change agent are people who have hope for change for the better, persistence for what they believe is right, and that they follow their ideas with actions and commitment. In the YouTube video, The 12 Keys of Spiritual Activism, a quote by Mother Theresa is mentioned which I think demonstrates a definite attribute to a good activist, "When you have a pro-peace rally, I will be there".  It says that she says this out of response for not going to an anti-war rally. I know that there are activists out there that blow up abortion clinics or people to prove a point, but I feel like good activists fight for what they believe in without violence.
                The activist that I admire the most is Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. was able to affect the lives of so many people, even years later, in a non-violent positive way. As mentioned in the article Reflections on Liberation, by Suzanne Piarr, an important part of liberation politics are " learning non-violent skills of compromise and mediation in the sometimes difficult collective lives of family and community- in organizations, the workplace, and governing bodies". Martin Luther King Jr. lived his life following that idea and was able to create change and work for equality.


  1. I agree with your qualities of a good activist. A good activist should stand up what they believe in and be able to face conflict. I also watch the 12 keys of spiritual activism and noticed the quote by Mother Theresa also. I think activist who use violence to get their point across are just making the situation worse.

  2. You absolutely must have passion for what your doing, or else it will show.

  3. I agree...a peaceful non passive way is best. You have to have a passion for it and take the initiative.

  4. I agree with you all, people must have that core inner passion in order for them to make positive change.
