Thursday, January 6, 2011

Fourth Post: Response to Stanford Prison Experiment

                The Stanford Prison experiment video completely shocked me. I had heard of the experiment before, but never actually knew what exactly happened during the time the people spent there. It is terrifying to hear about what "good" people can truly do when they have power over other people, even in something fake like this experiment.
                In the context of racial difference, racial privilege, and racial oppression, the guards are the racial oppressors and then prisoners are the oppressed. I am white, and it hurts me to think about the oppression that is being done to non-whites, though I know that it happens in many places. I do find hope that in this experiment there were some people that would resist being oppressed, such as person 416 who would not eat, as well as some guards would relent to the oppressors. I think that this experiment illuminates what happens and can happen to people in the position of power. Within two days in this experiment, people literally became their roles in stride. When I think about society, whites have had power, at least in the United States, for hundreds of years now. I hope that there are more people in the world today than in this experiment that would and do speak out against oppression and make life better with changes for equality.


  1. I agree with you Ruth. I hope that we as people now would do a better job at sticking to our morals and our own ideas. It is easy to get swept up in things like this experiment, or when you start high school and people want you to do drugs and party. You see on television that that is the thing to do so you do it, when in reality it may not be. The guards assumed the roles they assumed guards would play, and the prisoners the same.

  2. Yeah exactly. I think that if more than one or two people spoke out for what they believed, maybe the others would have followed them to be more equal instead of so harsh.

  3. I was shocked how good people can turn so quickly when placed in an evil environment. I agree with both of you, Ruth and Miranda, in the fact that people should follow their own morals and even stick up for their ideas. Its hard to stick up to people and do things on your own but I think that's definitely what people need to try and do.

  4. I really liked the points you made regarding racial oppression. I think that this experiment thoroughly proved what the whole notion of having power over another person can do to one's character and actions. You concluded by saying that people should speak out again oppression actively, unlike the people in this experiment. Thank you for bringing that up! I completely agree. If you think about Martin Luther King Jr or Harriet Tubman, just like the young man who wouldn't eat, spoke out against mistreatment and should be looked at as hero innovators.

  5. I agree that people should be standing up for their morals and values. Unfortunately, people need to be educated and understand that we are still stuck in a cycle of ignorance and people who simply are apathetic. Like in the lecture by Micheal Kimmel, when it comes to women's studies men need to have an equal part in order to support women and the same is true for race. I believe we need just as many white people as there are people of color to speak up against racism. People need to come down to level the playing field.

  6. I agree with all of you. I think are definitely correct Lynette, everyone needs to work for equality, especially those that are in positions of power and have privilege.
